Major Food Group
(M&As, Financial Direction, Contract Negotiation, Dispute Resolution,
Tax Planning)

International Contracting Division: As legal adviser of managing director
of this business traveled to Greece, Iraq and Egypt to negotiate animal
feed supply and production contracts and to resolve disputes, operating
mainly in the private sector although in Barbados and Egypt, dealing were
with the ministries of Agriculture.
International Major Contracts Division: As Vice President, Legal & Finance,
at the age 29, Mr. Bain worked closely with British merchant banks and European
and US export credit agencies in funding major projects while leading all
financial and legal activities and key roles in the preparation of business
plans and project grant applications and the setting of corporate strategy.
Established strategy, prepared project planning and negotiated the following
food and agricultural projects:
- Liberia: Integrated rice development project
- Cameroon: Integrated rice development project
- Oman: A dairy farm management project for the Sultan
- Iraq: Dairy plant
- Venezuela: An integrated beef production project
- Nigeria: Abattoir and sausage production business